The personal website of Adam N. Morris.


Wondering what’s new? I update my Blog irregularly with thoughts on programming, progress on personal projects, and other topics.

Latest Post

The Perfect Blog, Attempt #2

I like writing, and for many years I’ve wanted a simple way for me to both post personal research essays, programming thoughts, game reviews, and project updates without much overhead. One of the most important parts to me is that the design needed to be extremely minimalist, almost brutalist, and it needed to use as little JavaScript as possible. Enter my my first attempt in 2018. If you read that post, you’ll notice that a core piece I keep touching on is a need to make the site as simple as possible to avoid my propencity to bikeshed. (read more...)

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Announcing Donations Dashboard

Extra Life 2018

A brief review of Black Ops 4

New Beginnings

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